Oliva + Olga revives vintage, broken and unloved jewelry by repurposing and redesigning them into new again adornments.
Our collections are inspired by the timeless decadence and excess of Renaissance period, classical art, sultry allegories of greek mythology, as well as the cameo and brooch obsessed Victorian era.
Oliva + Olga donne une nouvelle vie aux bijoux vieux-jeu, cassés et hors d'intérêts en les transformant dans de nouvelles pièces uniques.
Très inspirées par l’époque de la Renaissance, nos collections vous proposent des pièces intemporelles reluisent d’excès décadent.

Sur mesure
Want to get personal? We also take custom orders!
Our sur mesure brings you "new" jewelry and accessories by recycling broken and unwanted pieces, re-imagining vintage jewelry and family heirlooms, and sourcing special items and sets for whatever the occasion. Our custom line includes but is not limited to custom hairpieces and jewelry, brooch bouquets, bridal sets (couples, bridesmaids, etc.), and shoes.
We like to work closely with each client and strive to infuse their personality into their custom piece, as well as versatility to ensure maximum wear.
This custom headpiece was a contemporary take on a tiara for a Royal Wedding inspired shoot featured in Winnipeg's Wonderful Wedding Show magazine, in collaboration with AMC studio and Pearl & Birch Wedding Consignments.
Please send us an email at bonjour@olivaetolga.ca to inquire about custom orders, curated collections and sourcing services.
Got a box full of jewelry you never wear? We want it!
If you have some pieces you no longer wear, that are broken, dated, or that you have simply fallen out of love with, donate your jewelry and receive a credit for our store.

Oliva + Olga is about reviving and renewing interest in unwanted, broken and dated pieces of jewelry. By re-creating some and styling others, we challenge trends and keep more "stuff" out of landfills.
Named after the founder's grandmothers, our collections inspire you to be your own muse by honouring your personal style, as well as channeling your inner Oliva and Olga with vintage values of repurposing and recycling old jewelry into new.
"Oliva is my maternal grandmother. A textbook housewife yet a woman ahead of her time, she was a walking contradiction. My entrepreneurial spirit, craftiness, and contradictory nature definitely comes from her: why can't luxury and thrifty be synonyms?
Thanks to my paternal side and grandmother Olga, I understood the importance of wasting less and reusing, my European roots, and above all mental health. Trends and the fashion industry perpetuate the need for external validation with new fashions. This not only promotes consumerism, but it also affects self esteem and one's self love and acceptance."

It started with the founder's love of brooches and charms which was passed down from her grandmothers Oliva and Olga, along with important values of repurposing and recycling.
While Oliva + Olga will always seek to bring back the brooches and charm bracelets, it grew to re-introduce forgotten and broken pieces into this world of over production and over consumption. As advocates of self love and expression through style, yet conscious of the industry's impacts, breathing new life into has-been fashions is imperial making fashion circular. Sustainability and circularity are the core of why we do what we do. Versatility is an aspect we strive to achieve in each piece to ensure maximum creativity and wear.
With every piece sourced secondhand, recreated or repurposed, by choosing to shop our jewelry you are diverting investment from harmful production cycles without having to omit personal expression through style.
Mercury is a symbol of manifestation: using what you have to create what you need. This is a prominent ideology in Oliva + Olga's mission to use what already exist to create something new and inspiring.
Mercury, detail of Botticelli's Prima Vera
We are based in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Want to get in touch? Email us at bonjour@olivaetolga.ca - en anglais ou en français!